
Welcome to the online domain of Hype Concierge Services Limited ("we," "us," or "our"). As a private consultancy company and personalised concierge service accessible at [https://www.experiencethehype.com], we're delighted to provide you with a bespoke experience. Please be aware that your interaction with our platform is governed by the following disclaimers:

General Information and Limitations:

The content presented on our Site serves a general informational purpose, offering insights into our range of services and expertise. We strive to maintain the accuracy and relevance of the information, but due to the dynamic nature of the topics we cover, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy, reliability, completeness, availability, validity, or suitability of the information provided. Your reliance on the information presented on the Site is entirely at your own discretion and risk. We encourage users to use their judgment and cross-reference information when making decisions based on the content provided here.

Liability Limitation:

It's important to understand that your use of the Site is at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect losses, damages, or inconveniences resulting from your use of the Site, it’s content, or any actions you take based on the information provided. Your engagement with the Site and its content is a personal choice, and it's crucial to recognise that all activities have inherent risks associated with them. We recommend that users exercise caution and, when necessary, consult appropriate experts before making significant decisions.

Privacy Policy:

We are dedicated to maintaining the privacy and security of your data. Your personal information is collected, stored, and processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We value transparency in explaining how your data is collected, used, and managed. For a comprehensive understanding of our data practices, including data collection methods, usage, storage, and your rights as a user, please refer to our dedicated Privacy Policy page.

Intellectual Property:

The logos, trademarks, content (but not all), and intellectual property displayed on the Site are the exclusive property of Hype Concierge Services Limited. Unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of our intellectual property is strictly prohibited without obtaining explicit written permission from us. Any unauthorised usage will be dealt with according to the relevant legal provisions.

Accuracy of Information:

While we make diligent efforts to provide accurate and reliable information, it's important to recognise that the content on our website may become outdated due to evolving circumstances or changes in the industry. Therefore, we cannot guarantee real-time updates. Users are encouraged to independently verify critical information from trusted sources before making decisions based on our content.

No Legal or Financial Advice:

The information presented on the website is not intended to replace professional advice. We emphasise that the content on the Site is not a substitute for legal, financial, or professional guidance. For matters requiring expert opinions, such as legal, financial, or other professional advice, we strongly recommend consulting qualified professionals who can provide personalised guidance tailored to your specific situation.


When using our website, users agree to indemnify and hold Hype Concierge Services Limited harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their usage. This includes any violations of our terms of use, unauthorised activities, or actions that may result in harm or loss to others.

Claiming Content and Termination:

We respect intellectual property rights and strive to attribute or remove content sourced from external providers as required. If you encounter content that requires tagging, attribution, or removal, please notify us promptly. We are committed to taking swift action to ensure proper content attribution or removal in accordance with relevant laws and industry standards.

Changes to Disclaimer:

We retain the right to modify this disclaimer at our discretion and without prior notice. The updated version will take effect immediately upon being posted on the Site. Users are advised to review the disclaimer periodically to stay informed about any changes that might affect their use of our services.

Geographic Limitations:

Certain services we offer might be subject to geographic constraints, and availability may vary based on location. We encourage users to check with us or refer to relevant sections of the Site for details about service availability in specific areas.

Termination of Services:

Hype Concierge Services Limited maintains the right to discontinue or modify any aspect of our services without prior notice. While we aim to provide continuous access, external factors beyond our control might impact service availability. Users are advised to keep this in mind when relying on our services for time-sensitive matters.

Limitation of Liability:

Our company's liability is limited as described in this disclaimer. Users acknowledge and accept this limitation when interacting with our website and utilising our services. It's important to understand the extent to which we can be held liable for issues arising from website or service usage.

Dispute Resolution:

In the event of disputes between Hype Concierge Services Limited and users, we are committed to resolving these issues through arbitration or mediation, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Communication Consent:

By engaging with our services, users grant consent to receive communications from us, which may include emails containing promotional or informational content. If you wish to opt out of these communications, you can contact us using the information provided below.

User Responsibilities:

Users are expected to conduct themselves responsibly while interacting with our website. This includes adhering to applicable laws and regulations, respecting intellectual property rights, and refraining from engaging in unauthorised activities that could compromise the integrity of our platform.

Emergency Situations:

Our website and services are not to be used as substitutes for professional help during emergencies. If you find yourself in a health or safety emergency, we urge you to seek immediate assistance from qualified professionals.

Contact Information:

Should you have any inquiries, concerns, or require further clarification about this disclaimer or any other aspect of our services, we invite you to contact us using the information provided on the website. We are committed to addressing your queries and providing you with the necessary information.

We appreciate your decision to explore the distinctive offerings of Hype Concierge Services Limited. As your gateway to curated experiences and insights, we highly value your understanding of these vital disclaimers. If you have any questions or need further elucidation, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Last updated: 05/08/2023



La información proporcionada por Hype Concierge Services Limited ("nosotros," "nos," o "nuestro") en nuestra pagina de web, accesible en [https://www.experiencethehype.com] (la "Pagina"), tiene como objetivo brindar información general únicamente. Aunque nos esforzamos por ofrecer información precisa y actualizada, no realizamos representaciones ni otorgamos garantías de ningún tipo, expresas o implícitas, con respecto a la exactitud, confiabilidad, integridad, disponibilidad, validez o idoneidad de la información en el Sitio. Por lo tanto, cualquier confianza que deposites en dicha información es estrictamente bajo tu propio riesgo.

No seremos responsables de las pérdidas o daños, directos o indirectos, que puedas sufrir como resultado del uso del Sitio o de confiar en la información proporcionada en el mismo. Tu uso del Sitio y cualquier información en él se realiza completamente bajo tu propia discreción y riesgo.


Aunque nos esforzamos por proporcionar información de la manera que se ajuste a tus necesidades, es importante reconocer ciertas limitaciones inherentes. En la medida permitida por las leyes aplicables, la información se proporciona "tal cual" y "según disponibilidad". Hype Concierge Services Limited niega explícitamente todas las garantías, ya sean expresas o implícitas, incluidas pero no limitadas a las garantías implícitas de comerciabilidad, idoneidad para un propósito particular y no infracción.

Por ejemplo, no podemos garantizar que los Servicios, o cualquier parte de los mismos, cumplan con tus expectativas o requisitos, que los Servicios estén libres de interrupciones, sean seguros, oportunos o sin errores, ni que los resultados obtenidos del uso de los Servicios sean precisos o confiables.

Reconoces que Hype Concierge Services Limited no tiene control sobre la calidad, seguridad, exactitud o legalidad de ningún evento externo o el contenido asociado con el mismo. Además, no respaldamos la precisión de la información proporcionada por los usuarios, ni respaldamos la capacidad de ningún usuario para llevar a cabo transacciones con éxito. Si bien buscamos facilitar estas interacciones, no seremos responsables de los actos u omisiones de terceros.

Comprendes y aceptas que ciertos eventos pueden conllevar riesgos inherentes, que asumes voluntariamente al participar. Esto podría incluir riesgos como enfermedades, lesiones, discapacidades o muerte. Los descargos de responsabilidad anteriores son aplicables en la medida máxima permitida por la ley, y cualquier derecho legal que puedas tener estará sujeto a tales limitaciones según lo establecido por la ley.


El Sitio puede contener enlaces a sitios web externos o contenido proporcionado por terceros. Ten en cuenta que estos enlaces no son monitoreados, verificados o investigados de manera constante en términos de exactitud, integridad, validez, confiabilidad o disponibilidad por Hype Concierge Services Limited. No otorgamos garantías, endosos, garantías o aceptamos la responsabilidad por la precisión o confiabilidad de la información presentada por sitios web de terceros enlazados a través de nuestro Sitio, incluidos sitios web o funciones anunciados en pancartas u otros materiales promocionales. Es importante comprender que no participamos como intermediarios en transacciones entre tú y proveedores de productos o servicios de terceros. Tus interacciones con estos enlaces externos se realizan únicamente bajo tu propia discreción y riesgo.


El Sitio puede contener testimonios de usuarios que han experimentado nuestros productos y/o servicios. Estos testimonios reflejan las experiencias y opiniones genuinas de usuarios individuales. Sin embargo, estas experiencias son específicas de los usuarios y pueden no ser representativas de todos los que utilizan nuestros productos y/o servicios. Es importante entender que los resultados individuales pueden variar.

Los testimonios se presentan en varios formatos, como texto, audio o video, y se publican en el Sitio tal como los proporcionaron los usuarios, excepto por correcciones menores de gramática o errores tipográficos. Algunos testimonios pueden haber sido editados por brevedad, eliminando información superflua que no sea relevante para la audiencia en general.

Las opiniones expresadas en los testimonios pertenecen únicamente a los usuarios individuales y no necesariamente se alinean con nuestras perspectivas. No tenemos afiliación con los usuarios que proporcionan testimonios, y los usuarios no reciben compensación por sus testimonios.